PPC Management

What is PPC Advertising?
PPC also stands for Pay Per Click advertising, and it simply means that you the advertiser pays each time someone clicks on your advert and is directed through to your website.
These adverts usually appear on the right-hand side of Google when you search for a phrase or term and are typically under the heading “sponsored ads” although this is not always obvious.
One of the benefits of Pay Per Click advertising is that you only pay when a customer clicks on your advert, not when your advert is displayed. So you are only paying for those people that reach your site directly.
Q. Who offers PPC Advertising?
The main PPC advertisers are Google, Yahoo and Bing (MSN), however, Google is the main player in this field and in the UK alone over 90% of all traffic goes through Google UK search which is why Google’s PPC is the biggest and best for volume. (known as Google Adwords).
Google’s PPC software is also more advanced that Yahoo and Bing and allows the advertiser more in terms of tracking, testing and functionality and it is often the starting point for most companies.
Q. How does the PPC software work?
First of all, you create a campaign, you then create your advert which you want to be displayed and you select the keywords that you want to trigger your adverts in the search engines. You then need to set your tracking and testing features as well as your keyword variations.
Q. Why use PPC advertising?
Targetted Customers = Increase in Sales!
If set up correctly, a PPC campaign can send targetted people to your website who are searching for a particular product or service. These targetted people are more likely to convert into paying customers.
Targetted Traffic Within Minutes!
Another great benefit of using PPC advertising is that you set up a campaign and start driving targetted traffic to your website within a few minutes. Once your advert has been approved and your daily budget set your adverts will start showing! This is the quickest way of driving people to your website.
Q. What PPC services do you offer?
We currently offer 3 levels of packages. The first package is for a product that you are promoting and you would like an optimised campaign created for it. The second package is for a business related campaign that is selling multiple products and services across a market / niche. The third package is for us to optimise an already existing campaign to monitor this and maintain it.
Q. Who will be monitoring and tweaking my campaign each month?
All of our Google Adwords campaigns are created by our UK AdWords qualified professionals that have completed the Google Adwords Advertising program and are recognised as a certified consultant.
As part of our packages we will:
- Provide you with monthly reports.
- Undertake keyword research for your products / services.
- Install Conversion tracking so you know what words are leading to sales.
- Maintain the campaign and remove keywords that are not performing.
- Test new adverts on a monthly basis.
- Create targetted adgroups for your keywords.
- Break your keywords down into different match types.
- Review your sales process and provide feedback.
- Ensure the campaign is setup correctly to maximise your return on investment.
- Setup your campaign on the content network, once it is profitable on the search network.