Website Design

At iBusinessConsultants we have a team of designers that specialise in web design for businesses and individuals looking to promote their product or service online.
Q. Why get a professional website design? Can’t you just create one for free?
Yes absolutely! The problem with the free website designs is that they never quite turn out how you think they are going to look!
They don’t quite have the professional image and design that either establishes you as an expert in your field or makes your product or service stand out from the competition.
A visitor makes their mind up whether to stay or leave your site in just 7 seconds!
The customer is always demanding more!
Gone are the days where you could put up a simple website, write a brief sales letter and sell your product or service. The customer now expects a professional looking website, where investment has been made in the product or service.
“A professional website design is key to establishing the level of trust and credibility with the potential customer, only once this has been achieved will someone actually purchase from you.”
How many websites have you not bought from because the website didn’t seem trustworthy enough? This is the last thing that you want to happen especially if you are paying to drive traffic to your website.
The 3 key steps to selling online:
- Driving traffic to your website – Traffic strategies
- Keeping your customer on your website – Website design
- Convert that visitor into a buyer / customer – Sales Process
Only once you have all 3 of all these in place will you maximise your return online!
You will notice that Website design is step 2 in the process!